Cirrus found again her way into international newspapers.

An article "Across the Pacific" was published recently in the German daily newspaper Wolfsburger Nachrichten.

The Wolfsburger Nachrichten is a local paper of the "Volkswagen City" Wolfsburg, the place where the famous Volkswagen Beetle orignated, and where I grew up. The article ran about the size as the front page news on the soccer championship, although a bit deeper in the paper ;-). Which I think is tolerable given that Germany has advanced into the quarter finals, and we haven't even started yet. They begin with designating me as a "Wolfsburger Landratte" - literally "land rat" - a friendly mockery on people who live far away from the sea and are more at home on solid land, and then garnish with a bit of gossip on the good old days, but don't fail to describe the race and some key facts of Cirrus.

Here is a link to the online article.

A similar article titled "4000 km nothing but water" was published in the local newspaper Wochenpost.

This is a paper of the area near Duesseldorf, where we live now. They emphasisze the distance to be travelled, and the level of preparedness needed for such a trip.
