June 1, 2010
The new Cirrus blogsite for this year's Pacific Cup is up at !
As of today, Cirrus has begun the delivery run to the mainland.August 1, 2008

Cirrus 1st Hawaiian Boat and 3rd in Division!
Cirrus made it again through the Pacific Cup with a surprise win as the first Hawaiian Boat, and the usual booking of 3rd place in the division.No injuries to the crew, and (almost) no damage to the boat. Another wonderful race.
The trophy for the 1st place was this beautiful wooden statue from Hawaiian King Kameameha.
Aloha, Ulli
April 2, 2008
The new Cirrus blogsite for this year's Pacific Cup is up at !
December 20, 2007
Cirrus again in Pacific Cup race
Cirrus will be racing again in the Pacific Cup, the Fun-Race to Hawaii, in summer 2008.And I will again be part of the crew, and again as navigator. And of course, you will be able to follow us online; details will be posted here.
October 20, 2007
Cirrugator has found a new home on its own website, and on a new server, which gives the performance that was sometimes missing on the previous installation.
Try it out! Ulli

July 27, 2007
Cirrus on First Place!
... and Cirrugator was key in getting them there! Next boat was some 100 miles behind them! Here is an excerpt from the press release of the Transpac Organizers:
The final winner was Cirrus, a 34-year-old Standfast 40 in Aloha B class [...]
[Captain] Austin said at the dock, "We kind of came into this as an underdog. Ulli [Ulli Steiner, Myers' fellow nuclear physicist in Germany and longtime friend] wrote a weather tracking program [i.e. Cirrugator] for us. A couple of days into the race the program said to go south for 2 1/2 days. I didn't think that was the thing to do and we talked about it for a full day. Finally, I decided to go south as the program said, but for only 1 1/2 days. We weren't sure if that was the right thing to do but... Oh! Let me tell you how we found out it was the right move!
You can replay the race with Cirrugator all by yourself. All data are available online; look for the links to Cirrugator in the left panel.
Congratulation to the crew. Did they enjoy the victory? - I think the picture tells it all. Look for more info in the blog.
Aloha, Ulli
June 10, 2007
Cirrus is racing again! This year, 2007, she is in the Transpac 2007 race from Los Angeles to Honolulu, Hawaii.
Join her as a virtual crew member. As before, messages from the boat will be posted directly to a blogsite. The new Cirrus blogsite is
My Cirrugator racing software is the latest addition to boat, assisting the crew in the strategic decisions on navigation. See link in the sidebar. Try it out.
Aloha, Ulli
June 23, 2006
Cirrus is racing again this year, 2006, in the Pacific Cup, the Fun-Race to Hawaii.
Join us as a virtual crew member.
We are going with the times, and therefore, different from the previous years, we will be posting our email messages from the boat directly and in realtime to a blogging website. You find more details on our new Cirrus blogsite
Meet you there!
Aloha, Ulli